Wednesday, June 04, 1997

The day after...

We woke up really early to catch the sunrise. It was still dark when we went and sat by the temple. A crescent moon had just risen, perhaps an hour back.

Better authors have described a sunrise, so I will not attempt it here. Among the “firsts” that this trek gifted me, this was one – the first time I’d watched a sunrise over the sea (or should that be bay?) A cool 1.5 hours of sitting and watching later, we went to the nearby temple which was crowded and commercialized. Later we had breakfast at a roadside cafĂ©.

The wind in Kanyakumari is really remarkable. It comes at you from any direction it pleases. It is strong enough to send a spray from the top of waves just when they break. And best of all, it is not the salty, humid kind, but a cool, refreshing one.

In the late morning, after enquiring about return transportation, we went to the Vivekananda Rock. This is a place worth visiting. A classy place, it is maintained meticulously clean. The wind and the view of waves crashing on the rocks around can itself make you wait there for more than a few hours. The other attractions on the island are the Shripad temple and a meditation room. A natural rock formation at Shripad in the shape of a foot is by lore the place where Goddess Parvathi worshipped for getting a husband. We waited at the rock until we were shooed off by the watchies at noon.

We came back to the mainland and had lunch. Shyam and Krishnan are leaving by the 16.05 Madras train while I’ll be waiting to watch the sun set before taking a bus to Trivandrum.

This is the official end of the trip and the end of the daily log. It’s been a pleasurable experience jotting down these notes in the afternoon halt and at the end of a day’s tiring trip. It’s tough to get started when you’re tired, but once into the habit, you discover it adds a lot of fun to your trek.

There is so much beauty in this world. Go out there and discover it.


Anonymous said...

amazing! yes there is lots to discover ...but i am sure i will not do any of it on the cycle .;-)
what an experience to have. knowing you have done this , will be with you for the rest of your life. the adventure ,the beauty,the experience ,yours forever to cherish and look back on .:-)

Anonymous said...

Dude. Well done. Mighty impressive. Glad to see that you finally got a chance to post your notes online even though they are not in real time.

I'd love to see your photographs in full the next time we meet. Hopefully you still have them.

Lastly, one question is about the maps. How did you get such nice crisp maps outline the exact area ? I really loved them. Would also love to see one complete map of the trip (from Mumbai to KK with each day outlined in different colours).

Cheers - Vikram

Gaurav said...

I stumbled across this blog accidently and became a part of a whole new experience (albeit as a reader). I am a rock climber myself, however new to the world of cycling. It was fun indeed to read your diary and photographs reflect the beauty in travel. I have been to Kerala as a tourist for a week (Alappuzha, Thiruanantapuram). Intend to explore it further (as a rider this time). This blog is a great help. Thanks a ton for this.